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qathet Accordion Fest
Friday & Saturday, May 2 & 3, 2025 | Academy of Music
Walter Martella and Karina Inkster are excited to bring you qathets fourth annual Accordion Fest! Featuring two days of diverse events that celebrate and demystify a much-maligned and underappreciated instrument.

ACCORDION REPAIRS & SALES | On-site both days at the Academy of Music
Tempo Trend, a Victoria-based speciality accordion store that's been in business for over 60 years, will be on site for all your accordion needs! Tune-ups, repairs, and sales. Bring the old squeezebox languishing in your closet, or purchase your first (or seventh) accordion.
Below is information for the two main events, with advanced tickets for sale. Please visit for the full schedule. You will find up-to-date information about all of the workshops and masterclasses on offer: Klezmer Workshop, Open Mic Performances, Accordion 101, Practice Techniques + Improv.
Friday, May 2, 2025 | 7:30 PM | James Hall
Our main concert, featuring a wide variety of musical genres, special musical guests, co-directors Walter and Karina, and at least 5 accordions! Enjoy a 5-piece tango band, jazz quartet, classical pieces, Klezmer, and more. Featuring accordionists Anthony Schulz and Ronen Segall, guitarists Budge Schachte and Stephen Nikleva, bassist Boyd Norman, and percussionist Terry Martyniuk. Not to be missed!
Admission $25

Saturday, May 3, 2025 | 7:30 PM | James Hall
Celebrate with us at this year's Accordion Fest closing party. Featuring Anthony Schulz, Ronen Segall, Martin Hergt, Walter Martella, and Karina Inkster on accordions, Stephen Nikleva and Budge Schachte on guitar, Boyd Norman on bass, and Terry Martyniuk on percussion, enjoy an evening of many musical genres.
Opening act (7 to 7:30pm): The Victoria Accordion Club Band!
Dessert and savoury finger foods included in ticket price. Cabaret-style seating, dance floor, cash bar. To reserve a table for a group of 8-10 guests, please contact the office.
Admission $25
Tickets are also available:
• at the
Academy Box Office – 7280 Kemano Street, Monday – Thursday 9:30 - 4:30 |
For full schedule of events, please visit